
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hi, eh?

So, hi!

How you been?

Me, oh, good, thanks!

Went to a few premieres, a few parties, you can check out Flickr for the randy details. Just go there and search for CityMinx. Cooked a bit, knit a lot, welcomed spring in all sorts of proper fashions.

Had a bad work week (actually a few months of bad work experiences and why the bejeezums do I put myself through this kind of crap) and went through an existential crisis where I comtemplated leaving the film biz, opening an eyebrow shaping - lash extending shop, or cashing in my annuity and going on a cruise 'round the world.

Recovered, thank goodness, and I'm booked all this week on a movie where I get to work with a Friend. Not a Quaker, think unlikely Manhattan apartments owned by characters who have no discernable means of income. Hey! No wonder I loved that show...Hmmmmm

Anyway, I'm capping off my existential crisis by jetting up to Toronto for the weekend.

As a good friend of mine says, Whoo-Hoo!!!!

See you soon!

