
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Things That Make Me Giggle

You know, I've been way too mopey lately. Sure, work has been trying, but hey! At least I'm able to make a living slinging powder and mucking about with glue and yak hair. The weather hasn't been too bad, I've been able to travel, both locally and internationally, I have fantastic friends and a pretty cool family, of whom I don't get to see enough even though they live a mere half an hour away because if I have to spend one more god forsaken minute dealing with mass transit because lately I have become more familiar with train stations than with former significant others and.....

Stop. Breathe. Count blessings.

Right, ok.

Yes. I've been livin' on the railroad, all the livelong day. But in that time I have finished several projects (of which I forgot to take pix, sorry), I've caught up on podcasts. New faves, Stash and Burn, Knitting Psychos, I do really like KnitPick's new podcast and It's a Purl, Man. You go, Guido, represent the straight male knitter! And I've been able to download old episodes of podcasts I've been listening to. Was thinking about downloading Chub Creek's old backlog, but that's like 40 podcasts. Don't know how much of Gary's burping I can take. But, I have about 8 hours worth of train time I'm looking at this weekend, and that's what Steve Jobs created the scroll wheel for.

But anyway, back to the whole 'I shall not mope' thing. I've been appreciating the little things, the things that I see around town that just make me stop and smile. And you know what kicked it off?

I was walking down 6th Avenue, around Prince Street, and I noticed this hamburger stand


I mean, being so bright and yellow and blue, how could I not? Cute, I thought. And walked on by. Ran my errand, and headed back the way I came. Where I saw how deep this Bloo place was


I mean, seriously, how funny is that! Wide as a block, deep as a debutante's morals. (I was going to write, My Morals, but I have to give myself some credit sometime)

Yesterday I went out to Long Island to visit my friend Jule. She does makeup and hair, and promised to color my hair as a birthday present. So of course I took the two hour train ride out there. Am I the only person secretly in love with double decker trains? Weird, I know. Anyway, her boyfriend has a dog. A big bulldog named Archie who loves to beg for food at the dinner table. So I was eating this pesto Jule had made and felt....a nudge in a sorta private area. And looked down.


Hey, pal, you usually need to buy me dinner before you can do that.

And check out the color!


Is that not just so cool and vibrant?! This is the first time I've colored my hair in months. God, that felt good to play around with color again. Next up, blond. Or maybe this:

stunt wig

Tee hee. This is a stunt wig from that Connecticut movie that I got to try on.

And one last one. I'm not the first one to post this, but it's so damn cute, and we were having such a good time.


That's Rebecca, me, and Bev at The Point.

Bev took that on her laptop, using PhotoBooth. I'm really conflicted about this computer. A) I want it. Period. B) It's nearly $1500, including tax and support. C) I only have to pay half, since the other half has been promised as a present. D) That's a lot of money to get as a present. E) New operating system comes out in October. F) I don't want to wait until October.

Dave and I took a cute photo on a computer at the Apple store in Toronto. Should've emailed it to myself. Ah well. Hey, Dave, if you're reading this, could you email me the pictures you took that weekend? Oh, and please take a picture of Milk in a Bag. Jessamyn can't wrap her head around that concept.

Okay, I have to wake up in five hours. And this was a long one.

Project pix after the weekend.

And go find something to giggle at.


  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger Kathy said…

    8 hours of train time....that's a lot of podcasts and a lot of knitting! When I started to listen to podcasts, I did go back and listen to some of the old ones, like Cast On, but Gary & Dave have so many, it was overwhelming and I didn't do it. All of a sudden there seem to be so many! Really enjoyed your guest appearance on the podcast. I'm out in eastern LI, so 2 hours on the train probably didn't even bring you out this far!
    Really like the hamburger stand!

    Enjoy your train time!

  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Claudine said…

    Wow, that is Red. I can't wait to see it in person!

  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger MUDNYC said…

    Hey, you look HOT!

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Nicole and Jenny (aka Stash and Burn) said…


    It's Jenny from Stash and Burn. I tried emailing you, but it bounced, so I'm writing you here!

    Thanks so much for your email! Unfortunately, we pre-recorded the episode, and I just got back from New York this past Thursday! So I missed all the great insider stuff- Annie's, the Japanese bookstore, the Japanese confectionary... sigh.

    Next time I'm in New York, I will look you up!


  • At 11:39 PM, Blogger Knittini said…

    haha...the dog is so cute

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger Arthur Vincie said…

    I second that emotion - you look great! And I totally get the "mopey" vs. "cheery" thing. xo


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