
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So, Are Ya Toned And Safe Yet?

Sheesh, I would hope so. It's been ages.

I know, I know. I could on and on and cut and paste the same excuses from all the other bloggers who don't have the fortitude or whatever to update everytime they eat a cheese sandwich. And believe me, no one loves cheese sandwiches like I do, and I am one of those people who constantly refreshes beloved blogs to see if perhaps they've switched to Gruyere, or something. But I digress, and as I read this over, I make no sense.


So, no good valid reasons for not posting. But so many of my nearest and dearest have created new blogs! First of all, check out The Boy or V or whatever I've been calling him lately. He's got a great new blog that talks a lot about books, movies, working in the biz and some general musings on life. Miss Claudine has a blog as well. And Ravi has one too!

This place is getting lousy with blogs. And I mean that in a good way.

So, what's new? I'm not going to make a whole list of the things I've done over the past month, mostly because the really fun I don't remember clearly. Ah, good times. Let's just say I had a great Hanukah, with friends and family over, and I survived, and Christmas was lovely. Ah do adore New York City during the holidays. New Year's I set alcohol on fire, and managed to not burn my apartment down. All in all, quite a sucessful season.

And I have the Dink Dolls! This is them at the Guggenheim. Gettin' a bit of Cultchah.

For those of you unfamiliar with Chub Creek, hit the link over there to your right, the one that says Chub Creek Podcast, and get yerself acquainted with Dave and Gary and the general kookiness that pervades. I've been showing them around town, and as soon as I get some pictures of them on the subway I'll probably send them along. If I can keep them from wandering over the St. Marks place. They seem unusually interested in some of the tattoo shops over there....

And, cause I don't want to do a completely photo-less entry, we at SnB decided to test a theory of ours. Y'see, our friend Jewell tends to look good in anything we put her in. Anything. It could be a plastic bag, and we'd say, "oh, how cute!" And today there was a particularly...uh...unique garment on display. So we had to test our theory.
Whaddya think?

Damn, she makes that - uh, busy - piece of wool work almost look good. I guess some of us are just blessed.

Anyway, as soon as I figure out Flickr I'll be back for more. Uploading pix the blogger way just takes too damn long. Really, in the time it took me to upload those 3 measley photos I went and did my dishes and looked through Tivo. Ah, beloved Tivo.

But, that's another post for another time.

Really, I promise.


  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger Arthur Vincie said…

    OMG I missed your entries so much. xoxoxo Alienhuman

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger MUDNYC said…

    SOOOOOO glad you're back!

  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger city girl said…

    well, i can't believe you actually posted those pics but i am glad that you're back.

  • At 12:13 PM, Blogger Knittini said…

    haha...jewell really does make that hideous thing look better.... yay for blogging again!


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