Jenn show Minx how to post pics in different locations on her blog
Note: The other night Jenn came over to kindly show me how to install buttons (check em out!) and post pictures within the post, instead of just at the top, and wrote the following as sort of a tutorial. Much cheese and hot cocoa were consumed, and much silliness was written. She then dared me to post the following. Silly Jenn, do you know that I am feisty, and can rarely refuse a dare? Especially a double dog dare?
Besides, you wrote this stuff, not me =D
i'm paragraph text. everyone just loves me because i tell what's going on. Minx's trying to clean her house out for the holiday of wheat based products. i hope my hot chocolate isn't wheat based. that'd be nasty. let's see some photos:
this image is aligned left.
Minx should have done all the coding by hand when i showed her. instead, she didn't, and now i'm telling her what an img src is. i'm a dork. she's not. we're trying to make her more dorky. That way i can be writing my own blog on a friday night and not hers. :)
now she wants to know how to do align the image in the center...
that's almost as easy as doing it left, but much easier than making things right. Making things right is a pain in the ass, but i guess sometimes it would be worth it.
let's pretend she wanted to do two photos on the same line....
I wonder what would happen if she wanted a space between them...
that looks odd though and it would certainly turn her into a dork. a much bigger dork than the person who taught it to her because she should look at that staggering image. it looks stupid.
Besides, you wrote this stuff, not me =D
i'm paragraph text. everyone just loves me because i tell what's going on. Minx's trying to clean her house out for the holiday of wheat based products. i hope my hot chocolate isn't wheat based. that'd be nasty. let's see some photos:
this image is aligned left.
Minx should have done all the coding by hand when i showed her. instead, she didn't, and now i'm telling her what an img src is. i'm a dork. she's not. we're trying to make her more dorky. That way i can be writing my own blog on a friday night and not hers. :)
now she wants to know how to do align the image in the center...
that's almost as easy as doing it left, but much easier than making things right. Making things right is a pain in the ass, but i guess sometimes it would be worth it.
let's pretend she wanted to do two photos on the same line....
I wonder what would happen if she wanted a space between them...
that looks odd though and it would certainly turn her into a dork. a much bigger dork than the person who taught it to her because she should look at that staggering image. it looks stupid.
At 10:18 PM, Kathy G said…
Hmmmm...two photos on the same line? I think I need Jenn to come over and teach me how to do that one! I like your Avatar, too. Looks just like you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good to see you there!
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